

我相对不熟悉Objective-C + Quartz,并且遇到了一个可能很简单的问题。我有一个自定义UIView子类,该类用于通过Quartz绘制简单的矩形。但是我试图连接一个NSTimer,以便它每秒绘制一个新对象,下面的代码将绘制第一个矩形,但将不再绘制。正在调用该函数(运行了NSLog),但未绘制任何内容。

I'm relatively new to Objective-C + Quartz and am running into what is probably a very simple issue. I have a custom UIView sub class which I am using to draw simple rectangles via Quartz. However I am trying to hook up an NSTimer so that it draws a new object every second, the below code will draw the first rectangle but will never draw again. The function is being called (the NSLog is run) but nothing is draw.


- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

    [self step:self];
    [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)(2) target:self selector:@selector(step:) userInfo:nil repeats:TRUE];


- (void) step:(id) sender {
    static double trans = 0.5f;

    CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 0, 0, trans);
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(10, 10, 10, 10));

    NSLog(@"Trans: %f", trans);

    trans += 0.01;


context is in my interface file as:

CGContextRef context;



您的示例不起作用。原因是 drawRect:在视图需要绘制时被调用,并且它不能自己绘制。

Your example won't work. The reason is that drawRect: is called for you when the view requires drawing, and it can't draw on its own.

相反,请尝试在 drawRect:之外使用计时器(想到的是 viewDidLoad ),每个一次添加一个对象以绘制到列表中,然后调用 [view setNeedsDisplay] 来请求重画该对象。如果您需要更严格的控制,还有其他技术,但是最好先掌握应用程序流程的基础。

Instead, try using your timer from outside of drawRect: (viewDidLoad comes to mind), and each time add an object to draw to a list, and call [view setNeedsDisplay] to request it to be redrawn. There are other techniques if you need stricter control, but it's a good idea to master the basics of application flow first.


07-24 20:12