


How can I achieve a smooth resizing of a MKCircleView on a UIMapView when adjusting an NSSlider? Apple has managed to do it in the Find my friends app when creating geofences (http://reviewznow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/find-my-friends-location-alerts-01.jpg), so I guess it's possible in some way. So far I've tried the following solutions, but with a very "flickery" result:



I added a new MKCircleView with an updated radius and immediately after removing the one that was (as suggested here MKOverlay not resizing smoothly) when the slider changed value. I also tried the other way around: first removing the overlay then adding a new one, but with the same "flickery" result.

- (void)sliderChanged:(UISlider*)sender
    double radius = (sender.value * 100);
    [self addCircleWithRadius:radius];
    [mapView removeOverlays:[self.mapView.overlays firstObject]];



In the linked SO answer, he suggests that NSOperation could be used to "help you create the MKCircle objects faster" and thus making the resizing smoother using the above method of adding/removing overlays when the slides changes value. I did a implementation where I start a new thread whenever the slider changes. In each thread I remove all old overlays and add a new one with the updated scale. Perhaps he has some other kind of implementation in mind, because the way I did it I still get the same flicker when changing the slider.

- (void)sliderChanged:(UISlider*)sender
     NSInvocationOperation *operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self
                                                                               object:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:sender.scale]];
     [self.queue addOperation:operation];


- (void)updateOverlayWithScale:(NSNumber *)scale
    MKCircle *circle = [MKCircle circleWithCenterCoordinate:self.currentMapPin.coordinate
                                                     radius:100*[scale floatValue]];

    [self.mapView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(removeOverlays:) withObject:self.mapView.overlays waitUntilDone:NO];
    [self.mapView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addOverlay:) withObject:circle waitUntilDone:NO];



I also tried implementing my own subclass of MKOverlayView that draws itself based on its scale property. Whenever the slider changes I call setNeedsDisplay and let it redraw itself, but I get the same flicker.

- (void)sliderChanged:(UISlider*)sender
     self.currentOverlayView.scale = sender.scale
     [self.currentOverlayView setNeedsDisplay];

在我的自定义叠加视图中,我实现了drawMapRect:zoomScale:inContext:(CGContextRef )像这样的上下文

And in my custom overlay view I implement drawMapRect:zoomScale:inContext:(CGContextRef)context like this

- (void)drawMapRect:(MKMapRect)mapRect
     double radius = [(MKCircle *)[self overlay] radius];
     radius *= self.scale;

     // ... Create a rect using the updated radius and draw a circle inside it using CGContextAddEllipseInRect ...



So, do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance!



A few months ago I stumbled upon this animated MKCircleView. It also has a demo on git. So I guess you should give it a go!Check it out as you might be able to tweak it to your needs with a slider etc.

积分转到yickhong提供此 YHAnimatedCircleView

Credits go to yickhong for providing this YHAnimatedCircleView


07-24 20:08