In my game I need to draw a circle made of squares the sizes of a game tile (circle is made of squares). I could just draw monochrome square textures in form of a jagged circle each frame, but it consumes a significant amount of resources. What I'd like to do is to draw it somewhere in the memory just once and save to draw each frame after that.
I could simply draw said circle myself and use it as a ready texture, but my circle is not always the same. It has different size throughout the game (and it's not really a circle half of the time, but I've got the algo that says where to draw), so it has to be drawn programmatically.
首先将圆圈渲染为自定义 RenderTarget2D
First you render the circle to a custom RenderTarget2D
. You can set a custom render target like this:
将圆圈渲染到渲染目标后,将其转换为 Texture2D
After rendering your circle to the render target cast it to a Texture2D
like this:
texture = (Texture2D)renderTarget;