

我正在使用 Python 2 单击.我的工具要么需要写一个值,要么读取它,或者不更改它.如果可以执行以下操作,那就太好了:

I am working on a small command line tool using Python 2 and click. My tool either needs to write a value, read it, or do not change it. It would be nice if I could do the following:

mytool --r0=0xffff ..........将值r0设置为0xffff
mytool --r0 ......................读取值r0
mytool ...............................对r0

mytool --r0=0xffff..........Set value r0 to 0xffff
mytool --r0......................Read value r0
mytool...............................Don't do anything with r0


Based on the documentation, it doesn't seem possible, but I could have missed it. So is it possible or do I have to find a different approach?



One way to solve this problem is to introduce another parameter named r0_set. And then to preserve the desired command line, we can inherit from click.Command and over ride parse_args to turn the user entered r0=0xffff into r0_set=0xffff


class RegisterReaderOption(click.Option):
    """ Mark this option as getting a _set option """
    register_reader = True

class RegisterWriterOption(click.Option):
    """ Fix the help for the _set suffix """
    def get_help_record(self, ctx):
        help = super(RegisterWriterOption, self).get_help_record(ctx)
        return (help[0].replace('_set ', '='),) + help[1:]

class RegisterWriterCommand(click.Command):
    def parse_args(self, ctx, args):
        """ Translate any opt= to opt_set= as needed """
        options = [o for o in ctx.command.params
                   if getattr(o, 'register_reader', None)]
        prefixes = {p for p in sum([o.opts for o in options], [])
                    if p.startswith('--')}
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            a = a.split('=')
            if a[0] in prefixes and len(a) > 1:
                a[0] += '_set'
                args[i] = '='.join(a)

        return super(RegisterWriterCommand, self).parse_args(ctx, args)


@click.option('--r0', cls=RegisterReaderOption, is_flag=True,
              help='Read the r0 value')
@click.option('--r0_set', cls=RegisterWriterOption,
              help='Set the r0 value')
def cli(r0, r0_set):
    click.echo('r0: {}  r0_set: {}'.format(r0, r0_set))

cli(['--r0=0xfff', '--r0'])


r0: True  r0_set: 0xfff

Usage: test.py [OPTIONS]

  --r0       Read the r0 value
  --r0=TEXT  Set the r0 value
  --help     Show this message and exit.


09-18 21:27