

我使用的是Angular 7,我有一个带有 Angular材质表的简单组件.通过某些事件,例如单击鼠标,我希望能够更新该现有表的数据和标题.

I'm using Angular 7 and I have a simple component with an Angular Material Table. Through some event, say a mouse click, I want to be able to update both the data and the header of that existing table.




Currently, I'm getting the data to update fine. However, I can't get the header text of the columns to update unless, that is, I do a fairly hokey window timeout call.

这很难描述,因此 stackblitz repo 应该会有所帮助.我链接到的"table-dynamic-columns.example.ts"文件中,我有两种不同的策略,可以在"changeColumnHeader"按钮单击处理程序上尝试.似乎为了显示新的列标题,我需要首先清除表中显示的列,然后在超时后将其正确设置回去.可能是因为属性名称保持不变(即"id")并且仅标题更改,所以它不起作用.

This is hard to describe, so a stackblitz repo should help. The in 'table-dynamic-columns.example.ts' file I've linked there, I have two different strategies that I try on the 'changeColumnHeader' button click handler. It appears that in order to get my new column header title to show up, I need to first clear out the displayed columns of the table, and then set them back properly in a timeout. Maybe it's not working because the property name stays the same (i.e. 'id') and only the title changes.


Does anyone know a better way to get this to update correctly?



Thats the reason for it not updating, as explained on this comment


On the same comment, there is a proposed solution that you may use (add a trackBy function).


For doing this, include trackBy on your template:

<ng-container [matColumnDef]="config.property" *ngFor="let config of configs; trackBy: trackByIndex">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> {{config.name}} </th>
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element[config.property]}} </td>


Include function trackByIndex on your component ts file:

trackByIndex(i) { return i; }


Forked the stackblitz you provided and it is working here


07-24 19:52