我知道Swift 3中的更改,其中@nonescaping是闭包的默认行为.
I know about the changes in Swift 3 where @nonescaping is default behaviour for closures.
关于更改,我已经成功更改了很多代码,但是我的代码中有一部分我无法摆脱关闭使用非转义参数可能会使其逃脱 >编译错误.
I have successfully changed much of my code regarding the changes but I have one part of my code where I am not able to get rid of the Closure use of non-escaping parameter may allow it to escape compilation error.
I have tried adding @escaping to both the updateHandler parameter and the UpdatedInProgressHandler typealias but it does not seem to be enough.
Anyone able to help me figuring out the reason for my problem?
The code where typealiases and the function is defined:
// Typealiases used to clean up closures
typealias UpdateInProgressCompletion = () -> ()
typealias UpdateInProgressCancelCompletion = () -> ()
typealias UpdateInProgressHandler = ((_ completed: @escaping UpdateInProgressCompletion) -> ()) -> ()
// Method for wrapping the presentation and dismissal of the custom alert controller
func presentUpdateInProgress(_ taskIdentifier: String?, alertMessage: String?, alertHeader: String? = nil, updateHandler: @escaping UpdateInProgressHandler, cancel cancelHandler: UpdateInProgressCancelCompletion? = nil) {
let updateInProgressAlert = self.updateInProgressAlert( taskIdentifier, alertMessage: alertMessage, alertHeader: alertHeader ) { action in
Logger.debug("User cancelled update")
updateInProgressAlert.present(completion: nil)
updateHandler { (completion) in
updateInProgressAlert.dismiss(completion: completion)
The code where I get the "Closure use of non-escaping parameter "updateCompleted" may allow if to escape" error when calling presentUpdateInProgress function.
self.presentUpdateInProgress(taskIdentifier, alertMessage: "My alert message", updateHandler: { (updateCompleted) -> () in
let task = CreateModelTask(completionHandler: { (resultObject) -> () in
updateCompleted { // this generates the error
//Do some stuff with received result
task.taskIdentifier = taskIdentifier
的类型为(_ completed: @escaping UpdateInProgressCompletion) -> ()
is of type (_ completed: @escaping UpdateInProgressCompletion) -> ()
, which as it's a function parameter itself, means that it is non-escaping by default (note that 'non-escaping by default' behaviour is only applicable to function closure arguments, see this Q&A, as well as its dupe target on the topic).
中将(_ completed: @escaping UpdateInProgressCompletion) -> ()
Therefore in order to allow updateCompleted
to escape, you need to mark (_ completed: @escaping UpdateInProgressCompletion) -> ()
as @escaping
in your typealias
typealias UpdateInProgressHandler = (@escaping (_ completed: @escaping UpdateInProgressCompletion) -> ()) -> ()
这篇关于闭包使用非转义参数-Swift 3问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!