class Person{
String _fn, _ln;
Person(this._fn, this._ln);
Is there a way to get a list of variables and then serialize it? Essentially i want to make a toJson, but i wanted to have it generic enough such that key is the variable name, and the value is the value of the variable name.
In javascript it would be something like:
var myObject = {}; //.... whatever you want to define it as..
var toJson = function(){
var list = Object.keys(myObject);
var json = {};
for ( var key in list ){
json[list[key]] = myObject[list[key]] ;
return JSON.stringify(json);
Dart没有内置的序列化功能. pub.dartlang.org提供了几种具有不同策略的软件包.有些使用镜像,这对客户端应用程序有害,因为它会导致JS输出大小很大.新的reflectable
Dart doesn't have a built in functionality for serialization. There are several packages with different strategies available at pub.dartlang.org. Some use mirrors, which is harmful for client applications because it results in big or huge JS output size. The new reflectable
packages replaces mirrors
without the disadvantage but I don't know if serialization packages are already ported to use it instead. There are also packages that use code generation.
There is a question with an answer that lists available solutions. I'll look it up when I'm back.