


What i want to is, take 3 images, that the 1st image, keep it to original size concatenate anothother image to the bottom of it only using 1/2 of the first images size( starting on the left side). Then take the 3rd image and put it on the bottom right half of the first image I've looked for example all day, does anybody have an idea or an idea?



        Image img1;
        Image img2;
        Image img3;

        Bitmap display = new Bitmap(img1.Width, (int)(img1.Height * 1.5));
        Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(display);

        //draw img1 to upper left corner
        g.DrawImage(img1, 0, 0);

        //draw img2 under img1, left side
        g.DrawImage(img2, 0, img1.Height, img1.Width / 2.0f, img1.Height / 2.0f);

        //draw img3 under img1, right side
        g.DrawImage(img3, img1.Width / 2.0f, img1.Height, img1.Width / 2.0f, img1.Height / 2.0f);


09-14 00:53