




i have portrait image (width: 869px; height: 2853px) which i wanna use as the background image for my website. the image should be responsive and always fill the entire width of the browser window. the image should keep its proportions and should never be cropped. therefor the height needs to adjust to the given width. since the image height is always bigger than the viewport height, you should be able to scroll to the bottom of the image, which should be the bottom of the website as well.


i'd really appreciate if someone would tell me how to do this.


当其他评论者不断建议使用 background-size:封面时,我认为其他评论者无视您的请求而不是裁剪"图像.

I think the other commenters are ignoring your request for help in not "cropping" the image, when they keep suggesting use of background-size: cover.


  • 要作为背景的图像,位于网站内容的后面.
  • 背景图像具有特定的长宽比,因此不应裁剪
  • 如果浏览器窗口与图像的宽高比不匹配,则应允许垂直滚动,但应始终适合窗口宽度.


A css only solution...

body {
  position: relative;
  margin: 0;
body::before {
  content: '';
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  z-index: -1;
  height: 0;
  /* height / width = ratio% */
  /* 2853px / 869px = 328.3084% */
  padding-bottom: 328.3084%;
  padding-bottom: calc(2853 / 869 * 100%);
  background: url('//placekitten.com/869/2853') center top / 100% auto no-repeat;

用图片的网址替换网址,如果图片的像素尺寸发生变化,请按照我已注释掉 padding-bottom 应该如何计算的方式进行更新.

Replace the url with the url of your image, and if the image pixel dimensions change, update those in the way I have commented out how padding-bottom should be calculated.


This creates a separate background element inside the body of the website and still allows you to have whatever content you want inside your site. But keep in mind, if you're on a very small screen, say 320px/480px, and the websites content becomes very tall because of the narrow width of the screen, this background image could be scrolled passed to account for the content. That won't break this code, but I would just suggest adding a background color or texture to your html element, which would show below the image in this case. Good luck.


07-24 18:18