

我试图使用background速记属性来指定background-sizebackground-repeatbackground-color,但是一直失败.我最终意识到,如果您设置了background-size,则必须设置background-position,因此我只是将属性设置为inherit / contain no-repeat #FF7000,据我所知,默认的background-position应该从父级继承(body,在这种情况下),因为我没有明确设置bodybackground-position.它仍然没有用.但是,这可行:center / contain no-repeat #FF7000.为什么显式设置它并允许它继承不起作用?我的猜测是我对inherit的工作方式的理解是错误的,但我不确定.

I was attempting to use the background shorthand property to specify background-size, background-repeat, and background-color, but kept failing. I eventually realized that you have to set background-position if you set background-size, so I just set the property as inherit / contain no-repeat #FF7000, as to the best of my knowledge, the default background-position should be inherited from the parent (body, in this case), as I have not explicitly set body's background-position. It still didn't work. However, this worked: center / contain no-repeat #FF7000. Why would setting it explicitly work and allowing it to inherit not work? My guess is that my understanding of how inherit works is mistaken, but I'm not sure.


    width: 150px;
    height: 300px;
    background: center / contain no-repeat #FF7000;

    background-image: url("images/giraffe_painting.jpg");

    background-image: url("images/giraffe_painting_reversed.jpg");

此外,如果这很重要,id选择器将引用div s.

Also, in case this matters, the id selectors refer to divs.


background属性的"nofollow noreferrer>文档,不能单独设置background-size,它应与background-position一起使用. inheritinitial也不是这些属性的有效值.

As stated in the documentation of the background property, background-size cannot be set alone and it should be used with background-position. Also inherit and initial aren't valid values for those properties.


09-06 05:07