Currently, the JPA entities that comprise my application have an @NamedQueries block that contains many @NamedQuery annotations. This works well but some of my entities have over 80 @NamedQuery annotations and are getting difficult to maintain. I now need to add sorting to my queries and do not want to create additional @NamedQuery annotations.
在研究过程中,我发现了JPA 2.1 EntityManagerFactory.addNamedQuery方法.这似乎是我祈祷的答案.我可以创建一个初始化程序,该初始化程序在启动时运行,以使用建立的命名约定创建所有命名查询,并消除实体顶部的大@NamedQueries块.
During my research, I discover the JPA 2.1 EntityManagerFactory.addNamedQuery method. This seems to be the answer to my prayers. I could create an initializer that runs at startup to create all my named queries using my established naming conventions and eliminate the large @NamedQueries block at the top of my entities.
I could even use the following EclipseLink specific code to add a new NamedQuery based on an existing NamedQuery.
TypedQuery<Portrait> tq = em.createNamedQuery("Portraits.read", Portrait.class);
String jpql = tq.unwrap(EJBQueryImpl.class).getDatabaseQuery().getJPQLString();
Query q = this.em.createQuery(jpql + " ORDER BY p.id DESC");
em.getEntityManagerFactory().addNamedQuery("Portraits.read.Id-D", q);
TypedQuery<Portrait> tq2 = em.createNamedQuery("Portraits.read.Id-D", Portrait.class);
Are there reasons, I should not use the addNamedQuery method instead of or in addition to the @NamedQuery annotation?
Named queries are used to organizequery definition and improve application performance, because the query string is defined in an annotation and can not be changed at runtime and also prevent security issues like sql injection.
- NamedQuery的名称范围为整个持久性单元并且在该范围内必须是唯一的.所以也许最好定义正如您所说,它适用于每个班级.由于未定义,应该怎么办如果同一持久性单元中的两个查询具有相同的值,则会发生名称,但可能会部署该应用程序将失败或一个将覆盖另一个,从而导致不可预测的运行时得到结果.
- The name of the NamedQuery is scoped to the entire persistence unitand must be unique within that scope. So maybe is better to defineit to every class as you said. Because it is undefined what shouldhappen if two queries in the same persistence unit have the samename, but it is likely that either deployment of the applicationwill fail or one will overwrite the other, leading to unpredictableresults at runtime.
Dynamic Named Queries (addNamedQuery) is a hybrid approach todynamically create a query and then save it as a named query in theentity manager factory. At that point it becomes just like any othernamed query that may have been declared statically in metadata.
This is useful in only a few specific cases:
The main advantage it offers is if there are queries that are not known until runtime, but then reissued repeatedly.
Once the dynamic query becomes a named query it will only bear the cost of processing once. It is implementation-specific whether that cost is paid when the query is registered as a named query, or deferred until the first time it is executed.
To summarise it is better to define the namedqueries on the entity class that most directly corresponds to the query result. But dynamic queries also have their place at some specific points.