


Is it possible to use D3 for polylines in Leaflet?


What I am trying to achieve is a less accurate, but more stylised, route display. I'd like to use d3's interpolation('monotone') on a line (or path) which runs through each marker point in Leaflet and creates a smooth, curved line.

我发现的唯一一个与此类似的例子是 http://erasmus.ahoi.in ,它创建的很好使用d3和画布使圆弧平滑.

The only example I have found close to this is http://erasmus.ahoi.in which creates nice smooth arcs using d3 and canvas.


我已经在Leaflet地图上创建了带有一些标记的小提琴,以防有人想要射击: http://fiddle.jshell.net/zw8TR/10/

I have created a fiddle with some markers on a Leaflet map in case someone wants to give it a shot: http://fiddle.jshell.net/zw8TR/10/


Mike Bostock(D3的创建者)撰写了一篇不错的教程,介绍如何将D3与Leaflet结合使用.他在示例中使用了GeoJSON多边形,但可以轻松地将它们与您需要的GeoJSON线串交换.

Mike Bostock (the creator of D3) has written a nice tutorial on how to use D3 in combination with Leaflet. He uses GeoJSON polygons in his example but they can easily be swapped with GeoJSON linestrings, which you would be needing.

请参阅: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/leaflet/


08-21 05:39