




Consider the following sample codes which shows multilevel inheritance:

Case1: derived1 是通过虚拟继承从类 base 派生的,而类 derived2 是从类 derived1

Case1 : Here the class derived1 is derived from the class base through virtual inheritance and the class derived2 is derived from the class derived1 directly.

class base


class derived1 : virtual public base


class derived2 : public derived1


Case2:除了不涉及虚拟继承外,与Case1相同 p>

Case2 : Same as Case1 except that no virtual inheritance is involved

class base


class derived1 : public base // no virtual inheritance


class derived2 : public derived1


假设我创建一个类 derived2的对象在这两种情况下。

Suppose i create an object of the class derived2 in both cases.

  1. Case1和Case2如何在 derived2

  1. How does Case1 and Case2 differ with respect to the containment of sub-objects with in the object of derived2?


Does Case1 have significance over Case2 ?



在继承层次结构中没有基类的多个实例,( virtual

Without multiple instances of a base class in an inheritance hierarchy there are (at least) two other issue to consider with virtual base classes.


First, a virtual base class is always initialized by the most derived class under construction and before non-virtual base classes. This is most obvious when intermediate classes pass parameters to the virtual base class constructor in their member initialization lists. These initializers will be ignored. It can also make a difference to the order of construction of base classes.

其次,不可能执行 static_cast 从一个虚拟的基类到继承它的类。

Second, it is not possible to perform a static_cast from a virtual base class to a class that inherits from it.


07-24 17:34