


I'm trying to learn angular2 (and Typescript) and having followed the quick start guide and a few unofficial tutorials I've made progress to have a simple application with some components.

我了解在模板中使用方括号表示法将模型数据绑定到DOM元素的过程:< h1> {{title}}</h1>

I understand the process of binding model data to the DOM element using the bracketed notation in my templates: <h1>{{title}}</h1>


What I'm struggling to understand is how I could dynamically instantiate a new component from within my Typscript code, and then render that in the DOM.


If I import a component to my file and instantiate a new one, that will trigger the component's constructor in the model. Does Angular2 then allow me to render this, or append a component to another component or queried div element?

import {ListComponent} from './list.component';
export class MainAppComponent {

        // I'm creating a new list component. What is the proper way to render it within this MainAppComponent?
        this.list = new ListComponent();


Angular2 .在Angular中,您不必自己实例化组件并将其添加到DOM中,Angular会处理所有事情,模式是:

You are missing to many concepts from Angular2. In Angular you do not instantiate by yourself the components and add them to the DOM, Angular takes care of everything, the pattern is :

  • 具有一个带有模板的父组件
  • 具有一个带有选择器的子组件
  • 您可以在父级组件中导入并添加子级组件选择器组件模板
  • 子组件呈现在父组件内部

这里有很多东西需要学习,您需要遵循 Angular2教程,然后是 Angular2基础文档此处

There are too many things for learning from questioning here, you need to follow the Angular2 tutorial HERE, and then the Angular2 basics docs HERE


08-24 05:54