


    私人字符串_username =;
        {返回_username; }        集合{_username =价值; }
    }    保护无效Page_Init(对象发件人,EventArgs的发送)
    }    保护覆盖无效LoadControlState的(对象savedState)
        [对象] ctlState =(对象[])savedState;
        base.LoadControlState(ctlState [0]);
        _username =(字符串)ctlState [1];
    }    保护覆盖对象SaveControlState()
        [对象] ctlState =新对象[2];
        ctlState [0] = base.SaveControlState();
        ctlState [1] = _username;
    }    保护无效的Page_Load(对象发件人,EventArgs的发送)
            的ProfileCommon轮廓= this.Profile;
                简介= this.Profile.GetProfile(this.UserName);
            txtFirstName.Text = profile.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text = profile.LastName;
            ddlGenders.SelectedValue = profile.Gender;
            如果(profile.BirthDate!= DateTime.MinValue)
                txtBirthDate.Text = profile.BirthDate.ToShortDateString();
            ddlOccupations.SelectedValue = profile.Occupation;
            txtWebsite.Text = profile.Website;
            txtStreet.Text = profile.Address.Street;
            txtCity.Text = profile.Address.City;
            txtPostal code.Text = profile.Address.Postal code;
            txtState.Text = profile.Address.State;
            txtPhone.Text = profile.Contacts.Phone;
            txtFax.Text = profile.Contacts.Fax;
        的ProfileCommon轮廓= this.Profile;
            简介= this.Profile.GetProfile(this.UserName);
        profile.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
        profile.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
        profile.Gender = ddlGenders.SelectedValue;
        如果(txtBirthDate.Text.Trim()长度方式> 0)
            profile.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(txtBirthDate.Text);
        profile.Occupation = ddlOccupations.SelectedValue;
        profile.Website = txtWebsite.Text;
        profile.Address.Street = txtStreet.Text;
        profile.Address.City = txtCity.Text;
        profile.Address.Postal code = txtPostal code.Text;
        profile.Address.State = txtState.Text;
        profile.Contacts.Phone = txtPhone.Text;
        profile.Contacts.Fax = txtFax.Text;




I got error ProfileCommon could be not found , in my code. I don't know how to fix the error. I put namespace using system.Web.Profile, but error still does here. Could someone help how to do that? Please help me if you know. Thank you

public partial class UserProfile : System.Web.UI.UserControl
    private string _userName = "";
    public string UserName
        get { return _userName; }

        set { _userName = value; }

    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected override void LoadControlState(object savedState)
        object[] ctlState = (object[])savedState;
        _userName = (string)ctlState[1];

    protected override object SaveControlState()
        object[] ctlState = new object[2];
        ctlState[0] = base.SaveControlState();
        ctlState[1] = _userName;
        return ctlState;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!this.IsPostBack)
            // if the UserName property contains an emtpy string, retrieve the profile
            // for the current user, otherwise for the specified user
            ProfileCommon profile = this.Profile;
            if (this.UserName.Length > 0)
                profile = this.Profile.GetProfile(this.UserName);
            txtFirstName.Text = profile.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text = profile.LastName;
            ddlGenders.SelectedValue = profile.Gender;
            if (profile.BirthDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                txtBirthDate.Text = profile.BirthDate.ToShortDateString();
            ddlOccupations.SelectedValue = profile.Occupation;
            txtWebsite.Text = profile.Website;
            txtStreet.Text = profile.Address.Street;
            txtCity.Text = profile.Address.City;
            txtPostalCode.Text = profile.Address.PostalCode;
            txtState.Text = profile.Address.State;
            txtPhone.Text = profile.Contacts.Phone;
            txtFax.Text = profile.Contacts.Fax;
    public void Save()
        // if the UserName property contains an emtpy string, save the current user's
        // profile, othwerwise save the profile for the specified user
        ProfileCommon profile = this.Profile;
        if (this.UserName.Length > 0)
            profile = this.Profile.GetProfile(this.UserName);
        profile.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
        profile.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
        profile.Gender = ddlGenders.SelectedValue;
        if (txtBirthDate.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
            profile.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(txtBirthDate.Text);
        profile.Occupation = ddlOccupations.SelectedValue;
        profile.Website = txtWebsite.Text;
        profile.Address.Street = txtStreet.Text;
        profile.Address.City = txtCity.Text;
        profile.Address.PostalCode = txtPostalCode.Text;
        profile.Address.State = txtState.Text;
        profile.Contacts.Phone = txtPhone.Text;
        profile.Contacts.Fax = txtFax.Text;


As Mark pointed out, profiles only work out-of-the-box with the website template and I have blogged instructions on how to use the plug-in to facilitate the use of profiles for the Web Application project:


It is possible to do it yourself, and here's a fully working implementation that you can download:



08-20 14:06