


Interfaces allow you to create code which defines the methods of classes that implement it. You cannot however add any code to those methods.


Abstract classes allow you to do the same thing, along with adding code to the method.


Now if you can achieve the same goal with abstract classes, why do we even need the concept of interfaces?

我被告知它与OO理论有关,从C ++到Java,这是PHP的OO的基础。这个概念在Java中有用但在PHP中没有用吗?它只是一种避免在抽象类中散落占位符的方法吗?我错过了什么?

I've been told that it has to do with OO theory from C++ to Java, which is what PHP's OO stuff is based on. Is the concept useful in Java but not in PHP? Is it just a way to keep from having placeholders littered in the abstract class? Am I missing something?



The entire point of interfaces is to give you the flexibility to have your class be forced to implement multiple interfaces, but still not allow multiple inheritance. The issues with inheriting from multiple classes are many and varied and the wikipedia page on it sums them up pretty well.


Interfaces are a compromise. Most of the problems with multiple inheritance don't apply to abstract base classes, so most modern languages these days disable multiple inheritance yet call abstract base classes interfaces and allows a class to "implement" as many of those as they want.


09-05 02:25