


I am accessing IBAction programatically & want to pass two parameter with this IBAction call.Can any one suggest easy way...



IBActions are usually called by user interface elements, and they can't have an arbitrary number of parameters.


If you want to call the action method programmatically, you could abuse the sender parameter by passing a dictionary as an argument, holding the actual arguments you want to pass, like so:

- (void) foo
    [self myAction: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"bar" forKey: @"baz"]];

但是,我建议创建一个带有两个参数的附加方法。 IBAction可以使用适合发送者的参数来调用它,而您可以通过编程使用所需的任何参数来调用它。这可能是该代码的轮廓:

However, I would recommend creating an additional method with two parameters; the IBAction can call it with arguments appropriate to the sender, and programmatically you can call it using whatever arguments you need. This would be a possible outline for the code:

// The atual "logic" method, doing sth interesting
- (void) foo: (NSString *) s bar: (NSInteger) i
     // some code

- (IBAction) myAction: (id) sender
    // can be invoked by a button, or any view action
    if (sender == self.buttonX) {
        [self foo: @"x" bar: 42];

    if (sender == self.buttonY) {
        [self foo: @"y" bar: 4];

- (void) methodCallingFooBarProgrammatically
    [self foo: @"s" bar: 17];


09-18 17:54