


 标签| USER_ID |特征
  POS机| 111 | www.abc.com
  POS机| 111 | www.xyz.com
  POS机| 111 |火狐
  POS机| 222 | www.example.com
  POS机| 222 | www.xyz.com
  POS机| 222 | IE浏览器
  NEG | 333 | www.jkl.com
  NEG | 333 | www.xyz.com
  NEG | 333 |铬

我需要改造它来创建一个特征向量每个USER_ID培养了 org.apache.spark.ml.classification.NaiveBayes 模式。


  1. 加载原始数据转换成一个数据帧

  2. 指数与StringIndexer功能

  3. 再往RDD和组由user_ID的和特征指数映射到一个稀疏的矢量。

起脚这是......在数据已经美元的USER_ID 点$ P排序。什么是利用这一点的最好方法?它的痛苦,我想大概是多少不必要的工作可能发生。


  VAL featurization =(瓦尔斯:(字符串,可迭代[行]))=> {
  VAL SEQ = vals._2.map(X =>(x.getDouble(1).toInt,1.0D))。toSeq  //创建稀疏矢量
  VAL featureVector = Vectors.sparse(maxIndex,SEQ)  //串标签转换成一个双
  VAL标签= IF(vals._2.head.getString(2)==POS)1.0 0.0其他  (标签,vals​​._1,featureVector)



It depends. If operation you apply can benefit from map-side aggregation then you can gain quite a lot by having presorted data without any further intervention in your code. Data sharing the same key should located on the same partitions and can be aggregated locally before shuffle.

Unfortunately it won't help much in this particular scenario. Even if you enable map side aggregation (groupBy(Key) doesn't use is so you'll need custom implementation) or aggregate over feature vectors (you'll find some examples in my answer to SPARK DataFrame: custom aggregation function to sum a column of Vectors) there is not much to gain. You can save some work here and there but you still have to transfer all indices between nodes.

If you want to gain more you'll have to do a little bit more work. I can see two basic ways you can leverage existing order:

  1. Use custom Hadoop input format to yield only complete records (label, id, all features) instead of reading data line by line. If your data has fixed number of lines per id you could even try to use NLineInputFormat and apply mapPartitions to aggregate records afterwards.

    This is definitely more verbose solution but requires no additional shuffling in Spark.

  2. Read data as usual but use custom partitioner for groupBy. As far as I can tell using rangePartitioner should work just fine but to be sure you can try following procedure:

    • use mapPartitionsWithIndex to find minimum / maximum id per partition.
    • create partitioner which keeps minimum <= ids < maximum on the current (i-th) partition and pushes maximum to the partition i + 1
    • use this partitioner for groupBy(Key)

    It is probably more friendly solution but requires at least some shuffling. If expected number of records to move is low (<< #records-per-partition) you can even handle this without shuffle using mapPartitions and broadcast* although having partitioned can be more useful and cheaper to get in practice.

* You can use an approach similar to this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/33072089/1560062


09-05 09:44