

我需要在Flash / AS3一键开启和关闭之间切换。所以,我很高兴地看到, 按钮 类具有的属性,让我有这种行为。我不太高兴地看到,我所得到的,当我做一些东西在Flash文件按钮是的类,它并没有这样的选择。

I need a button in Flash/AS3 that toggles between on and off. So I was glad to see that the Button class has the toggle property that lets me have that behavior. I was less happy to see that what I get when I make something a "button" in the Flash file is an instance of SimpleButton class, which does not have that option.


Is there a way to either get a Button instance from the .fla, or get the SimpleButton to behave as a toggle?



Here's how I coded my way around this:

private buttonState:Boolean;

private function buttonToggle(button:SimpleButton){
    var currDown:DisplayObject = button.downState;
    button.downState = button.upState;
    button.upState = currDown;
    buttonState = !buttonState;

private function clickEvent(e:MouseEvent){

我没有把code。在 clickEvent 的功能,因为这可以让我从code别处切换按钮。

I didn't put the code in the clickEvent function, because this allows me to toggle the button from elsewhere in the code.


07-24 17:01