


Is there any problem with deleting a team project and then creating a new Team Project with the same name? Or should I rename the project before deleting and then create the new project.


仅在TFS 2015及以上版本(如TFS2015.1)中,2,3可以选择重命名项目。 

Only In TFS 2015 and above versions like TFS2015.1 , 2,3 has the option to rename the project. 


There will be absolutely no issues in deleting the Project and recreating with same name, as long as you don't have anything in the project.


重命名团队项目" Project"到"Project1"将对在项目中工作的团队造成破坏。建议重新命名在非工作时间进行

  • 重命名期间运行的构建可能会失败。
  • 所有用户都需要重启Visual Studio。
  • 需要使用新项目名称更新Git遥控器。
  • 需要通过运行get latest来更正版本控制工作区版本。

如果您的团队正在使用  本地工作区,然后建议他们更新到Visual Studio 2015(RC或更新版本),
Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 (RC或更新版本)或Visual Studio 2012 Update 5(RC或更新版本)可以在下次获取时更正这些工作空间。 Visual Studio 2010仅支持服务器工作区,不需要更新。如果他们无法更新,那么
If your teams are using local workspaces, then it is recommended that they update to the Visual Studio 2015 (RC or newer), Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 (RC or newer), or Visual Studio 2012 Update 5 (RC or newer) to have these workspaces be corrected on the next get. Visual Studio 2010 only supports server workspaces and doesn’t need an update. If they can't update then they will need to shelve their changes, create a new workspace, and unshelve their changes.


09-05 03:09