


If it's a scripting language as the name implies it must be written in a lower level language right? Like how PHP is written in C what language is JavaScript written in?


JavaScript只是一种标准,更正式地称为 ECMAScript .可以像任何标准一样,以任何语言来实现.

Javascript is just a standard, more formally known as ECMAScript. It can be implemented in any language, just like any standard.

Chrome的Javascript引擎 V8 用C ++编写

Chrome's Javascript engine, V8, is written in C++.


V8实现了ECMA-262(第5版)中指定的ECMAScript,并且在Windows(XP或更高版本),Mac OS X(10.5或更高版本)和Linux上运行使用IA-32,x64或ARM处理器的系统.

V8 implements ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262, 5th edition, and runs on Windows (XP or newer), Mac OS X (10.5 or newer), and Linux systems that use IA-32, x64, or ARM processors.

Firefox的Javascript引擎 SpiderMonkey (现在是TraceMonkey)也被编写C ++.正如下面的专家所说, Rhino 用Java编写.

Firefox's Javascript engine, SpiderMonkey (and now TraceMonkey) is also written in C++. And as maerics below said, Rhino is written in Java.


08-11 21:15