本文介绍了如何安装GRUB / LILO?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



每当我尝试在我的电脑上安装Xubuntu的许多天,我失败了,因为Xubuntu安装程序根本无法启动。每当我从Xubuntu Cd启动时,Live CD和Xubuntu安装都无法启动。 Live CD和安装程序都启动到某一点,然后至少1小时没事(我试了很多次),CD驱动器的LED只是连续闪烁。


过去,当我的电脑上安装了Red Hat linux时,Xubuntu CD用于成功加载(实时+安装)。所以我在我的电脑上安装了Red Hat linux 9,然后尝试在另一个分区上安装Xubuntu。并且Xubuntu安装例程开始了,我成功安装了Xubuntu。但是当我重新启动时,没有引导程序(GRUB / LILO)让我访问Xubuntu。我之前在中尝试过我,但最终没有成功。然后我在另一个分区上安装了XP。

现在我想简单地安装一些Linux bootloader,但我无法这样做。我不记得我在尝试安装GRUB时收到的错误消息,所以我会在下一个回复中发布它(当我再次测试时)。





From many few days whenever I tried installing Xubuntu on my PC, I failed as Xubuntu installer simply couldnot startup. Whenever I booted from Xubuntu Cd both Live CD and Xubuntu installation refused to start. Both live CD and install routine initiated till a certain point then nothing happened for atleast 1 hour (I tried this many times) and the LED of CD drive simply flashed continuosly.

Then I formatted my system yesterday (my XP installation was getting too heavy and I thought that would probbaly help me to install Xubuntu). But Xubuntu still failed to load/install from CD. Then I thought of something.

The Xubuntu CD used to load succesfully (live + install) when Red hat linux was installed on my PC in the past. And so I installed Red hat linux 9 on my PC and then tried installing Xubuntu on another partition. And Xubuntu installation routine started and I installed Xubuntu successfully. But when I rebooted there was no bootloader (GRUB/LILO) to let me access Xubuntu. I tried as suggested to me previously in this thread but ended with no success. And then I installed XP on another partition.

Now I want to simply install some Linux bootloader but I am unable to do so. I dont exactly remember the error message I get when I try to install GRUB and so I will post it in my next reply (when I would test it again).

If you want some additional information tell me........

Thanks in advance......



It''s not just weird. It''s the weirdest......... ;)


I dont know what is problem with installation of GRUB. But this is what happened at SLAX terminal:

展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号

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11-02 04:40