本文介绍了使用stanford core nlp java代码获得情绪分析结果的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When we test it on Stanford demo page: http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/sentiment/rntnDemo.html


it gives the tree with the sentiment score of each node as below:


I am trying to test it on my local system using command:

H:\Drive E\Stanford\stanfor-corenlp-full-2013~>java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.sen
timent.Evaluate edu/stanford/nlp/models/sentiment/sentiment.ser.gz test.txt





Can anyone please tell me why it is null? Or maybe I'm making any mistake in execution? My purpose is to analyze the text and get the sentiment result with the score.



The file you are using is wrong and also the command is incomplete. Below is the command you should be using.

java -cp*edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.Evaluate -model edu / stanford / nlp / models / sentiment /sentiment.ser.gz-treebank test.txt

java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.Evaluate -model edu/stanford/nlp/models/sentiment/sentiment.ser.gz -treebank test.txt


and text.txt file does not contain plain sentence, rather it contains treebank


(2 (3 (3 Effective) (2 but)) (1 (1 too-tepid) (2 biopic)))
(3 (3 (2 If) (3 (2 you) (3 (2 sometimes) (2 (2 like) (3 (2 to) (3 (3 (2 go) (2 (2 to) (2 (2 the) (2 movies)))) (3 (2 to) (3 (2 have) (4 fun))))))))) (2 (2 ,) (2 (2 Wasabi) (3 (3 (2 is) (2 (2 a) (2 (3 good) (2 (2 place) (2 (2 to) (2 start)))))) (2 .)))))
(4 (4 (4 (3 (2 Emerges) (3 (2 as) (3 (2 something) (3 rare)))) (2 ,)) (4 (2 (2 an) (2 (2 issue) (2 movie))) (3 (2 that) (3 (3 (2 's) (4 (3 (3 (2 so) (4 honest)) (2 and)) (3 (2 keenly) (2 observed)))) (2 (2 that) (2 (2 it) (2 (1 (2 does) (2 n't)) (2 (2 feel) (2 (2 like) (2 one)))))))))) (2 .))
(2 (2 (2 The) (2 film)) (3 (3 (3 (3 provides) (2 (2 some) (3 (4 great) (2 insight)))) (3 (2 into) (3 (2 (2 the) (2 (2 neurotic) (2 mindset))) (3 (2 of) (2 (2 (2 (2 (2 all) (2 comics)) (2 --)) (2 even)) (3 (2 those) (4 (2 who) (4 (2 have) (4 (2 reached) (4 (4 (2 the) (3 (2 absolute) (2 top))) (2 (2 of) (2 (2 the) (2 game))))))))))))) (2 .)))


Tested 82600 labels
  66258 correct
  16342 incorrect
  0.802155 accuracy
Tested 2210 roots
  976 correct
  1234 incorrect
  0.441629 accuracy
Label confusion matrix: rows are gold label, columns predicted label
       323      1294       292        99         0
       161      5498      2993       602         1
        27      2245     51972      2283        21
         3       652      2868      7247       228
         3       148       282      2140      1218
Root label confusion matrix: rows are gold label, columns predicted label
        44       193        23        19         0
        39       451        62        81         0
         9       190        82       101         7
         0       131        30       299        50
         0        36         8       255       100
Approximate Negative label accuracy: 0.912008
Approximate Positive label accuracy: 0.930750
Combined approximate label accuracy: 0.923128
Approximate Negative root label accuracy: 0.879081
Approximate Positive root label accuracy: 0.808266
Combined approximate root label accuracy: 0.842756

希望这会有所帮助:) !!

Hope this helps :) !!

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09-18 17:04