




As you might know random.sample(population,sample_size) quickly returns a random sample, but what if you don't know in advance the size of the sample? You end up in sampling the entire population, or shuffling it, which is the same. But this can be wasteful (if the majority of sample sizes come up to be small compared to population size) or even unfeasible (if population size is huge, running out of memory). Also, what if your code needs to jump from here to there before picking the next element of the sample?

P.S.我在模拟退火 TSP .在我的代码中,采样被重新启动了数十万次,每次我都不知道是否需要选择1个元素还是人口总数的100%.

P.S. I bumped into the need of optimizing random sample while working on simulated annealing for TSP. In my code sampling is restarted hundreds of thousands of times, and each time I don't know if I will need to pick 1 element or the 100% of the elements of population.



That's what generators for, I believe. Here is an example of Fisher-Yates-Knuth sampling via generator/yield, you get events one by one and stop when you want to.


import random
import numpy
import array

class populationFYK(object):
    Implementation of the Fisher-Yates-Knuth shuffle
    def __init__(self, population):
        self._population = population      # reference to the population
        self._length     = len(population) # lengths of the sequence
        self._index      = len(population)-1 # last unsampled index
        self._popidx     = array.array('i', range(0,self._length))

        # array module vs numpy
        #self._popidx     = numpy.empty(self._length, dtype=numpy.int32)
        #for k in range(0,self._length):
        #    self._popidx[k] = k

    def swap(self, idx_a, idx_b):
        Swap two elements in population
        temp = self._popidx[idx_a]
        self._popidx[idx_a] = self._popidx[idx_b]
        self._popidx[idx_b] = temp

    def sample(self):
        Yield one sampled case from population
        while self._index >= 0:
            idx = random.randint(0, self._index) # index of the sampled event

            if idx != self._index:
                self.swap(idx, self._index)

            sampled = self._population[self._popidx[self._index]] # yielding it

            self._index -= 1 # one less to be sampled

            yield sampled

    def index(self):
        return self._index

    def restart(self):
        self._index = self._length - 1
        for k in range(0,self._length):
            self._popidx[k] = k

if __name__=="__main__":
    population = [1,3,6,8,9,3,2]

    gen = populationFYK(population)

    for k in gen.sample():


07-24 16:02