

我试图做到的是我有一个 MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 A操作块。我想创建一个会话对象,我为每个并行路径的一个本地实例,所以我想以总价4会话对象。如果这是线程我会创造这样的:

What I'm trying to accomplish is I have a action block with MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4. I want to create one local instance of a session object I have for each parallel path, So I want to total of 4 session objects. If this was threads I would creating something like:

 ThreadLocal<Session> sessionPerThread = new ThreadLocal<Session>(() => new Session());


I know blocks are not threads so I'm looking for something similar but for blocks. Any way to create this?


This block is in a service and runs for months on end. During that time period tons of threads are used for each concurrent slot of the block so thread local storage is not appropriate. I need something tied to the logical block slot. Also this block never completes, it runs the entire lifetime of the service.


Note: The above suggested answer is not valid for what I am asking. I'm specifically asking for something different than thread local and the above answer is using thread local. This is a different question entirely.



As it sounds like you already know, Dataflow blocks provide absolutely no guarantee of correlation between blocks, execution, and threads. Even with max parallelism set to 4, all 4 tasks could be executing on the same thread. Or an individual task may execute on many threads.

既然你最终要重用的 N 的昂贵的服务的实例您的 ñ的并行度,让我们完全不搭的数据流出来的画面一分钟,因为它没有任何通用的解决方案,以帮助解决这个问题(或者直接阻碍)你。这其实很简单。您可以使用 ConcurrentStack< T> ,其中 T 为您服务的类型是实例昂贵。你必须出现在方法(或委托)的顶部,代表工作的平行单位之一代码:

Given that you ultimately want to reuse n instances of an expensive service for your n degrees of parallelism, let's take dataflow completely out of the picture for a minute, since it doesn't help (or directly hinder) you from any general solution to this problem. It's actually quite simple. You can use a ConcurrentStack<T>, where T is the type of your service that is expensive to instantiate. You have code that appears at the top of the method (or delegate) that represents one of your parallel units of work:

private ConcurrentStack<T> reusableServices;

private void DoWork() {
    T service;
    if (!this.reusableServices.TryPop(out service)) {
        service = new T(); // expensive construction

    // Use your shared service.
    //// Code here.

    // Put the service back when we're done with it so someone else can use it.


现在,您可以快速查看您创建完全一样多的情况下,您昂贵的服务为您 DoWork的并行执行()。你甚至不必硬编码并行你所期望的程度。而且它是正交的如何的你实际上是计划并行(所以线程池,数据流,PLINQ等并不重要)。

Now in this way, you can quickly see that you create exactly as many instances of your expensive service as you have parallel executions of DoWork(). You don't even have to hard-code the degree of parallelism you expect. And it's orthogonal to how you actually schedule that parallelism (so threadpool, Dataflow, PLINQ, etc. doesn't matter).


So you can just use DoWork() as your Dataflow block's delegate and you're set to go.

当然,有什么魔力 ConcurrentStack< T> ; 在这里,除了围绕push和pop锁被内置到类型,所以你不必自己做

Of course, there's nothing magical about ConcurrentStack<T> here, except that the locks around push and pop are built into the type so you don't have to do it yourself.


08-05 15:45