本文介绍了Ionic 和 Stripe Elements:iOS 的键盘错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Stripe 引入了一种名为 Stripe Elements 的方法来收集信用卡信息.粗略地说,它包括让 Stripe 提出一个用于收集信用卡的 UI.

Stripe introduced a way to collect credit cards information named Stripe Elements.Roughly speaking, it consists on letting Stripe propose an UI for collecting credit cards.

我在 Ionic3/Angular4 应用程序中使用了它.目前,它运行良好,除了我发现了一个非常烦人的错误,仅在 iOS 中:当关注信用卡号码时,会出现一个键盘(似乎是本机键盘),然后在 0.5 秒后被离子键盘取代,如以下 2 个 iPhone 屏幕截图所示:

I used it in an Ionic3/Angular4 application.For now, it works perfectly, except I found a very annoying bug, in iOS only:When focusing the credit card number, a keyboard appears (seems to be the native one), then it is replaced by the ionic one 0,5 second after, as showed on these 2 iPhone screenshots:

这通常不是问题.但是,如果我按后退"按钮,我会转到上一页,但键盘会停留!即使我关闭键盘,只要我进入新页面,它也会永远重新打开,或者如果我打开菜单……我的 UI 坏了.

That would not be a problem usually.But then, if I press "back" button, I go to the previous page but the keyboard stays! Even if I close the keyboard, it will reopen forever as soon as I go to a new page, or if I open the menu… my UI is broken.

我的直觉是任何输入触发的离子键盘与 Stripe 代码触发的本机键盘之间存在冲突.但是由于条纹元素的性质,我无法控制表单的内容,我在html代码中只有这个:

I have the intuition there is a conflict between the ionic keyboard triggered on any input, and the native keyboard triggered by Stripe code.But due to the nature of stripe Elements, I can’t control the content of the form, I only have pretty much this in the html code:

<form action="/charge" method="post" id="payment-form">
      <div class="form-row">
          <div id="card-element">
            <!-- a Stripe Element will be inserted here. -->


知道如何尝试调试吗?你认为我可以告诉 Ionic 不要触发键盘吗?

Any idea how to try to debug this?Do you think I could tell to Ionic not to trigger the keyboard?

非常感谢.注意:我使用的是 ionic-angular 3.7.1

Thanks a lot.Notes : I’m using ionic-angular 3.7.1



I have the same issue as well. I fixed it by inserting an invisible input node. Once purchase / next button is pressed, or anytime you decide to hide the keyboard, focus on that invisible input and then blur.

<input id="inviInput" type="tel" style="border: 0px; color: transparent; width: 0px; height: 0px; background: transparent;">

var inviInput = $('#inviInput')[0];

任何获取 DOM 节点的方法都可以,即使是纯 Javascript.

Any approach to get the DOM node shall be fine, even for pure Javascript.

注意输入不能是display: none;"或visibility: hidden;",否则iOS Safari不会关注它.

Note that the input shall not be "display: none;", or "visibility: hidden;", otherwise iOS Safari won't focus on it.

使用 Ionic3/Angular4 的特定解决方案进行

<input #invisiInput
           style="border: 0; color: transparent; width: 0; height: 0; background: transparent;">


@ViewChild('invisiInput') invisiInput: ElementRef;


  ionViewWillLeave() {



$('.card_input iframe')[0].focus()
$('.card_input iframe')[0].blur()

获取 iframe 并进行模糊处理.

Get the iframe and blur.

这篇关于Ionic 和 Stripe Elements:iOS 的键盘错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 15:49