

(是的,我知道,但它已经有8个月了 - 从那时起IE8 RTM已经问世了 - 而且不是很有启发性)

(Yes, I know there is a similar question on SO, but it's 8 months old -- since then IE8 RTM has come out -- and not very illuminating)

是否有可能禁用IE8我网站上的加速器?当突出显示文本时,我有一个小的弹出框出现在光标旁边(类似于Office 2007),它被它们阻挡。

Is it possible to disable IE8's 'Accelerators' on my site? When highlighting text, I have a small popup box that appears beside the cursor (similar to Office 2007) which is being obstructed by them.


I understand there's a method of disabling highlighting on specific elements of the site using jQuery, but this isn't ideal as I need to preserve the highlighting.

注意:我是询问如何在我的本地Internet Explorer副本上禁用IE8加速器。相反,我希望当有人使用IE8访问我的网站时不会出现加速器。

Note: I am not asking how to disable IE8 accelerators on my local copy of Internet Explorer. Instead, I would like accelerators to not appear when anyone visits my site using IE8.



Sorry, this is deliberately not supported.


Please see http://blogs.msdn.com/ieinternals/archive/2009/06/03/slowing-down-disabling-accelerators.aspx for discussion on this topic.


08-23 09:17