

我正在尝试在我的ubuntu服务器上托管一个nuget提要,该服务器已从源代码安装了mono 3.07.我使用的是 nuget.org 中描述的方法一个>.该项目取决于System.ServiceModel.Activation,但在mono下找不到.

I'm trying to host a nuget feed on my ubuntu server, which has mono 3.07 installed from source. I'm using the method described at nuget.org. The project depends on System.ServiceModel.Activation, but it can't be found under mono.


According to mono documentation the assembly has been implemented. Do I need to install some other package to get it?

事实证明我在读错东西. Mono当前不支持DataServices,并且它也不打算.经过大量的努力,我发现最好的解决方法是在Linux服务器上托管网络文件共享(博客发布我自己的博客).

It turns out I was reading the wrong thing. Mono doesn't currently support DataServices, and nor does it plan to. After a lot of head-scratching, the best workaround I found was to host a network file share on the Linux server (blog post my own).


System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll已在Mono中实现,但未作为单独的程序集实现.它已合并到 .

System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll has been implemented in Mono but not as a seperate assembly. It has been merged into System.ServiceModel.dll.


07-24 15:27