本文介绍了Linq to SQL DataContext生命周期管理问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我阅读了里克·斯特拉尔(Rick Strahl)的文章,内容涉及如何处理数据上下文.我的DBML位于类库中,我通过在库中单独的自定义局部类中创建静态Current方法来保持数据上下文打开.

I read Rick Strahl's article about ways to deal with the data context. My DBML is inside a class library, I keep my data context open by creating a static Current method in a separate custom partial class within library.

public partial class DataContext
    public static DataContext Current
            DataContext dc = HttpContext.Current.Items["dc"] as DataContext;
            if (dc == null)
                dc = new ImmediacyPageDataContext();
                HttpContext.Current.Items["dc"] = dc;

            return dc;


DataContext dc = DataContext.Current;


However, this causes issues whenever I update my DBML file. After editing the DBML file whenever I try and build the project my designer file doesn't regenerate/gets deleted. If I try running the custom tool option it comes back with an error.


The only way I can get round this is by renaming or deleting the custom partial class, re-generating the designer file, then adding my custom partial class back into the solution. This is a does work, but.. its a bit of a pain.


Is there a better approach to take that will make editing my DBML files easier, while prolonging my DC for as long as possible ?



Go into the code file with your partial DataContext class and move your using statements into your namespace. For some reason the tool will not generate the designer unless this is the case.

namespace MyNamespace
    using System;
    using System.Data.Linq;
    using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Xml.Linq;

    partial class DataContext

我相信从VS2008迁移到VS2008 SP1时需要进行此更改,尽管我可能会混淆一些版本.

I believe this change was required when moving from VS2008 to VS2008 SP1, though I may be mixing up some versions.

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08-24 18:16