本文介绍了为什么是1安培;&安培; 2在C#假的?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!







        静态无效的主要(字串[] args)
            敏一个= 1,B = 2;
            布尔解析度= A和&安培; b:
        }        类敏
            公共静态布尔运算符真(敏T){返回t.val!= 0; }
            公共静态布尔运算符假(敏T){返回t.val == 0; }
            公共静态敏运营商及(敏升,敏R){返回l.val&安培; r.val; }
            公共静态敏运营|(敏升,敏R){返回l.val | r.val; }
            公共静态隐运营商敏(INT V){返回新敏(){VAL = V}; }
            公共静态隐运营商布尔(敏T){返回t.val!= 0; }


C 没有布尔。公约是 0 != 0 真正如果语句处理条件的前pression结果正是如此。

C ++ 布尔进行了介绍。但它是用旧的规则相一致, 0 处理虚假 0 ,并有 INT 和布尔

在C#中是不一样的:有布尔 INT ,他们是无法转换为海誓山盟。这就是C#标准说。期。

所以,当你试图重新实现布尔 INT 兼容性你犯了一个错误。您可以使用&功放;&安培;这是逻辑运算符,但在C#中你不能覆盖它,只及放大器,其是为按位执行。 1安培; 2 == 0 ==虚假!在这里它是!



    静态无效的主要(字串[] args)
        敏一个= 1,B = 2;
        布尔解析度= A和&安培; b:
    }    类敏
            返回t.val!= 0;
            返回t.val == 0;
        公共静态隐运营商敏(INT V)
            返回新敏(){VAL = V};
            返回t.val!= 0;


I got frustated with my other question. So i wrote up this example.

In C the below is true. See demo

int main()
printf("%d", 1 && 2);
return 0;



In C#. It is FALSE. WHY is this false?Also i dont understand why i needed to create the bool operator in this example but not the one in my other question but no matter. Why is the below false? it makes no sense to me.

BTW the logic making the below false is described here

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyInt a=1, b=2;
            bool res=a && b;
            Console.WriteLine("result is {0}", res);

        class MyInt
            public int val;
            public static bool operator true(MyInt t) { return t.val != 0; }
            public static bool operator false(MyInt t) { return t.val == 0; }
            public static MyInt operator &(MyInt l, MyInt r) { return l.val & r.val; }
            public static MyInt operator |(MyInt l, MyInt r) { return l.val | r.val; }
            public static implicit operator MyInt(int v) { return new MyInt() { val = v }; }
            public static implicit operator bool(MyInt t) { return t.val != 0; }

In C there is no bool. Convention is that 0 is false and != 0 is true. if statement treated conditional expression result exactly that way.

In C++ bool was introduced. But it was compatible with old rules, 0 treated as false and false as 0, and there was implicit conversion between int and bool.

In C# it is not the same way: there is bool and int and they are not convertible to eachother. That is what C# Standard says. Period.

So when you tried to reimplement bool and int compatibility you made a mistake. You use && which is logical operator, but in C# you can't override it and only &, which is implemented as bitwise. 1 & 2 == 0 == false! here it is!

You even should not overload bitwise ones, to maintain compatibility you just have to leave operator true and false.

This code works as you expect:

class Programx
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MyInt a = 1, b = 2;
        bool res = a && b;
        Console.WriteLine("result is {0}", res);

    class MyInt
        public int val;
        public static bool operator true(MyInt t)
            return t.val != 0;
        public static bool operator false(MyInt t)
            return t.val == 0;
        public static implicit operator MyInt(int v)
            return new MyInt() { val = v };
        public static implicit operator bool(MyInt t)
            return t.val != 0;

result is True

这篇关于为什么是1安培;&安培; 2在C#假的?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 14:46