


Seeing as the type of Void is uninhabited, can it be regarded as a type "constructor"? Or is this just a quick "hack" to be able to safely disregard / disable functionality and am I looking too deep into this?


0曾经不被视为数字. 什么都不可能?" 但是随着时间的流逝,我们开始接受0为数字,注意其属性和有用性.今天,"0不是数字"的说法与2000年前的想法一样荒谬.

0 was once not considered to be a number. "How can nothing be something?" But over time we came to accept 0 as a number, noticing its properties and its usefulness. Today the idea that 0 is not a number is as absurd as the idea that it was one 2,000 years ago.

Void是与0是数字相同的类型.与所有其他类型一样,其类型为*.正如Tikhon Jelvis的答案开始显示的那样,Void与0之间的相似性非常深.类型和数字之间有很强的数学类比,其中Either扮演加法的角色,绞结(,)扮演乘法的角色,(->)作为求幂函数(a -> b表示b ), () (pronounced "unit") as 1, and Void as 0.


The number of values a type may take is the numeric interpretation of the type. So

Either () (Either () ())


1 + (1 + 1)


so we should expect three values. And indeed there are exactly three.

Left ()
Right (Left ())
Right (Right ())


(Either () (), Either () ())


(1 + 1) * (1 + 1)


so we should expect four values. Can you list them?

回到Void,您可以说Either () Void,它会被解释为1 +0.此类型的构造函数是Left (),对于v的每个值Right v类型Void-但是没有类型Void的值,因此Either () Void的唯一构造函数是Left (). 1 + 0 = 1,我们得到了预期的结果.

Coming back to Void, you can have, say, Either () Void, which would be interpreted as 1 + 0. The constructors of this type are Left (), and Right v for every value v of type Void -- however there are no values of type Void, so the only constructor for Either () Void is Left (). And 1 + 0 = 1, so we got what we expected.

锻炼:Maybe a的数学解释应该是什么?有多少Maybe Void值-这符合解释吗?

Exercise: What should the mathematical interpretation of Maybe a be? How many values of Maybe Void are there -- does this fit with the interpretation?

  • 我无视这种治疗的偏见,假装Haskell是完全的.从技术上讲,undefined的类型可以为Void,但是我们喜欢使用快速而宽松的推理,而忽略了这些.
  • 在基于C的语言中使用void的方式实际上更像是Haskell的()而不是Haskell的Void.在Haskell中,返回Void的函数根本不会返回,而在C语言中,返回void的函数可以返回,但是返回值并不有趣-可能只有一件事,所以为什么要打扰? /li>
  • I am ignoring partiality in this treatment, pretending Haskell is total. Technically undefined can have type Void, but we like to use fast and loose reasoning which ignores these.
  • The way void is used in C-based languages is actually much more like Haskell's () than Haskell's Void. In Haskell, a function returning Void can never return at all, whereas in C languages a function returning void can return, but the return value is uninteresting -- there's only one thing it could be so why bother?


08-22 20:33