

本文介绍了Excel VBA自动过滤器阵列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用带有Microsoft Excel的VBA中的AutoFilter。我有一个问题,它如何处理数组进行过滤;我已经将我的原始环境浇灌到一个简化版本(原本是希望了解这个问题):

在范围A1:A5的工作表中,假设我们有水果 Apple 香蕉橙色 Pear 。自动过滤器已被应用,以便 Fruit 是列标题。

运行以下代码返回预期结果 Apple 香蕉橙色但不是 Pear ):

ActiveSheet .Range(A1:A5)。AutoFilter字段:= 1,_
Criteria1:= Array(= * an *,= * app *),运算符:= xlFilterValues



  Dim A As String,B As String,C As String 
A == * an *
B = Empty
C = = * ap *

ActiveSheet.Range(A1:A5)。AutoFilter字段:= 1,_
条件1: = Array(A,B,C),运算符:= xlFilterValues

With B 抛出混合,过滤不返回任何记录(无论是否为空,设置为,或使用通配符,如 = * )。然而,在实际条件数组中替换 B (硬编码)返回预期结果。 >





  Sub Main()
Dim a As String
Dim B As String
Dim C As String
Dim filterCriteria as变量
a == * an *
B =空
C == * ap *
filterCriteria = CombineArrays(Array(a,B,C))

如果不是uBound(filterCriteria)= -1然后

ActiveSheet.Range(A1:A5)。AutoFilter字段: = 1,_
Criteria1:= filterCriteria,运算符:= xlFilterValues

End If
End Sub

函数CombineArrays(arr As Variant)As Variant
Dim a As Variant
Dim filterDic As Object'Scripting.Dictionary
设置filterDic = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)

如果不是filterDic.Exists(a)而不是a = vbNullString然后
filterDic.Add a,a
End If

CombineArrays = filterDic.Keys

设置filterDic = Nothing

I'm working with AutoFilters in VBA with Microsoft Excel. I'm having an issue with how it handles arrays for filtering; I've watered down my original context to a simplified version (originally in hopes of understanding the issue):

In a worksheet in Range A1:A5, let's say we have Fruit, Apple, Banana, Orange, and Pear, respectively. An AutoFilter has been applied such that Fruit is a column header.

Running the below code returns the expected results (Apple, Banana, and Orange but not Pear):

ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").AutoFilter Field:=1, _
    Criteria1:=Array("=*an*", "=*app*"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

In the project I'm working on, the filter criteria are passed in as String variables, which works as the above. The issue is that not every criterion is applied every time, so some of them should have no effect.

For example:

Dim A As String, B As String, C As String
A = "=*an*"
B = Empty
C = "=*ap*"

ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").AutoFilter Field:=1, _
    Criteria1:=Array(A, B, C), Operator:=xlFilterValues

With B thrown into the mix, filtering returns no records (whether it's left null, set to Empty, or uses wildcards like =*). Replacing B with Empty (hard-coded) in the actual criteria array returns the expected result, however.

I've used similar code in the past (and had it work), albeit with an AutoFilter that was part of a ListObject. At this point, the only thing I can think of is concatenating the filters into a String with delimiters and splitting it into an Array variable (so that it's the precise size, since an un-set item in the collection messes that up the same way a standard variable does). But that seems unintuitive and cumbersome.

Am I missing something obvious here?


I can't think of a way to do this that doesn't involve testing for empty parameters, here is one approach that might work for you, and also prevents duplicate expressions.

Sub Main()
    Dim a As String
    Dim B As String
    Dim C As String
    Dim filterCriteria as Variant
    a = "=*an*"
    B = Empty
    C = "=*ap*"
    filterCriteria = CombineArrays(Array(a, B, C))

    If Not uBound(filterCriteria) = -1 Then

        ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").AutoFilter Field:=1, _
            Criteria1:=filterCriteria, Operator:=xlFilterValues

    End If
End Sub

Function CombineArrays(arr As Variant) As Variant
    Dim a As Variant
    Dim filterDic As Object 'Scripting.Dictionary
    Set filterDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    For Each a In arr
        If Not filterDic.Exists(a) And Not a = vbNullString Then
            filterDic.Add a, a
        End If

    CombineArrays = filterDic.Keys

    Set filterDic = Nothing
End Function

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07-24 14:02