

我克隆了Git Hub repo并将该文件夹导入到eclipse中。我试图运行我的三星Galaxy Skyrocket与CM10的所有样品,所有的应用程序失败。然后我用股票ICS和股票姜饼的三星R720的股票Galaxy S3跑了,他们都以同样的方式失败了。我终于在仿真器上运行了相同的结果。

I cloned the Git Hub repo and imported the folder into eclipse. I attempted to run all of the samples on my Samsung Galaxy Skyrocket with CM10 and all the apps failed. I then ran it on a stock Galaxy S3 with stock ICS and a Samsung R720 with stock gingerbread and they all failed the same way. I finally ran it on the emulator for the same results.


SplashActivity:不幸Facebook SDK已经停止工作

SplashActivity: Unfortunately Facebook SDK has stopped working immediately


Tests: App runs but errors when signing in Public API errors failed;


Clicking login returns a facebook themed pagge that says AN error occured. Please try again later.


Test Ui allows me to login correctly and will return error if I input wrong pass but after auth same error comes up



Stream: I get the welcome screen and the facebook button but clicking the facebook stream button causes the error Unfortunately Facebook SDK has stopped working immediately

在控制台我一直看到[2012-10-10 19:13: 56 - facebook]找不到facebook.apk!

In console I keep seeing [2012-10-10 19:13:56 - facebook] Could not find facebook.apk!


Logcat is producing this error

我不知道在哪里 问题是。似乎连接到Lib项目罚款。也许有一个名字collison,因为例子和Lib都有com.facebook.android?我真的想开始将其整合到我自己的应用程序中,但由于非工作样本,我很疲倦。这可能是我的错,我只想看到它的工作第一,Nah是什么意思?

I am not sure where the problem is. It seems to connect to the Lib project fine. Maybe there is a name collison because example and Lib both have com.facebook.android? I really want to start integrating this in my own application but I am weary because of the non-working samples. Granted, it may be my fault I just want to see it working first, Nah mean?



I figured it out. I removed all the projects from my workspace.

1)我选择导入? ANDroid从exis ...>将项目复制到工作区>完成

1) I selected Import? ANdroid from exis...> Copy Projects into workspace> Finish


At this point I got some weird errors see

2)项目> CLean all;

2) Project> CLean all;


3) Project> Build All;

现在我有一大堆错误。 ![] tonoferrors

Now I got a ton of errors. ![]tonoferrors2

所以我浏览了一个错误,我试图通过选择Fix Project SEtup来解决

So I browsed to one of the errors and I tried to resolve by selecting Fix Project SEtup



**I got two options. Add project facebook and add archive facebook.jar. The first time I selected the first one errors went away and projects were in the state descrived in my first post. You must hit the second one first (add facebook.jar). Then do it again and the only option will be add archive facebook, do it. The errors will still be there.


I did a final clean and build and hackbooked worked perfect. Every project Every feature. No signing No BS.


09-02 14:59