

我想看看使用多线程生产者而不是单线程生产者会花费多少时间.我在本地计算机上设置了ActiveMQ,编写了生产者类,该类将初始化并在其构造函数中启动JMS连接.我将消息限制设置为3M,花了大约50秒钟才将所有消息推送到ActiveMQ.我只发送了一个字符串"hello world" 3M次.

I wanted to see how much time difference would it make to use a multi-threaded producer instead of a single threaded one. I setup an ActiveMQ on my local machine, wrote a producer class that would initialise and start a JMS connection in its constructor. I set the message limit to 3M and it took about 50 seconds to push all the messages over to ActiveMQ. I sent just one string "hello world" 3M times.


Then I used the same producer object (one connection but multiple session) and ran it with an ExecutorService of thread size eight. In the run method, I would divide 3M by 8 just to make sure each thread sends no more than 375000 messages. It took about 60 seconds to push all the messages in this case.

ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {



Then I created eight producers with each producing having it's own connection and ran them with ExecutorService or thread size eight. This time it took about 68 seconds to push all 3M messages.

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        service.execute(new Producer());


I'm wondering, why would a single threaded producer perform better here? I ran each scenario about 10 times but the results remained the same.



From a JMS application perspective you have written the application to multi-threaded; multiple sessions each with their own JMS producer objects being driven by separate threads. Assuming that your application has no contention on the resources such as locks etc that is good.

就发送消息的效率而言,取决于客户端和服务器端JMS提供程序的实现效率. JMS实现中是否存在任何锁定或争用?也许它试图通过同一个套接字发送所有内容-在这种情况下存在争用.也许还有其他锁.

In terms of how efficient it is then at sending messages is up to how efficiently implemented the JMS provider is, both in terms of client and server sides pieces. Are there any locks or contention within the JMS implementation? Maybe it's trying to send everything over the same socket - in which case there's contention. Or maybe there's some other lock.


Maybe there's a lock server side on the underlying queue data structure server side.


To answer your question really needs detailed knowledge of the specific JMS provider.


09-01 16:47