

decimal d1 = 4.0m;
decimal d2 = 40.0m;
decimal d = d1 / d2;
string repr = d.ToString();


On Windows, I get "0.1" for repr. On Mono (Xamarin Android), I get "0.1000000000000000000000000000" or so. What gives? Also, I've seen recommendations to divide by 1.0000000000000000000000000000m to get rid of unwanted trailing zeroes. That doesn't work either on Xamarin Android.

已知的bug?上或技术上不是一个错误 - 这是允许符合标准的一致性

Known bug? Or technically not a bug - is this allowed in conformance with the standard?


To get rid of the zeroes, I'm converting the value to a string, removing trailing zeroes from the string, and converting it back to a decimal. It's pretty weak. Also, my solution doesn't produce the exact results I'd want. I'd prefer to leave trailing zeroes that are appropriately significant, rather than removing all trailing zeroes.



Maybe it's worth a note, that this bug has been fixed, as stated by Miguel de Icaza: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=655780#c2


09-02 22:30