

本文介绍了如何配置 Azure 通知中心以使用 APNS 令牌身份验证模式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用令牌作为身份验证模式在 Azure 通知中心添加 APNS 连接.

I am trying to add APNS connection in Azure Notification Hub with Token as authentication mode.


I have searched around but I am not able to find any guides anywhere to make this work.


Maybe someone has a link to a guide showing how to find the information needed?

我试图在 Apple 开发者控制台中创建一个APNs Auth Key",但这给了我一个 .p8 文件并且该文件中的令牌似乎不被接受,所以我想我需要在其他地方找到令牌.

I tried to create a "APNs Auth Key" in Apple developer console, but that gives me a .p8 file and the token inside that file does not seem to be accepted, so I guess I need to find the token somewhere else.


I hope someone have a link to a guide for setting this up and find the information needed.


更新(2018 年 4 月):@Krumelur 在评论中报告该博客文章已过时.查看他关于如何修复它以避免出错的建议.

Update (Apr 2018): @Krumelur reports in the comments that the blog article is out of date. Check out his suggestion on how to fix it to avoid getting errors.

更新(2017 年 6 月):现在有一篇关于 APNS 的基于令牌 (HTTP/2) 身份验证.

原始答案(2017 年 5 月):

基于令牌的身份验证和带有 APNS 的 HTTP/2 示例 是有关如何从您的 Apple 开发者帐户获取这些值的很好的分步指南.

Token Based Authentication and HTTP/2 Example with APNS is a good step by step guide of how to get those values from your Apple Developer Account.

  • Key ID 在 Azure 门户中就是上面示例中的 APNS_KEY_ID
  • App Name 在 Azure 门户中是你的应用名称
  • App ID 在 Azure 门户中是 TEAM_ID 在上面的示例中的内容
  • Token 在 Azure 门户中是上面示例中 APNS_AUTH_KEY 变量中引用的文件的内容
  • Key ID in Azure Portal is what APNS_KEY_ID is in the sample above
  • App Name in Azure Portal is your app name
  • App ID in Azure Portal is what TEAM_ID is in the sample above
  • Token in Azure Portal is the contents of the file referred to in APNS_AUTH_KEY variable in the sample above


Do not forget to keep track which keys and tokens are sandbox and which are production endpoint ones.

这篇关于如何配置 Azure 通知中心以使用 APNS 令牌身份验证模式?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 13:07