




Is there a way to use one computer to send keystrokes to another by usb ?


What i'm looking to do is to capture the usb signal used by a keyboard (with USBTrace for example) and use it with PC-1 to send it to PC-2.So that PC-2 reconize it as a regular keyboard input.


Some leads to do this would be very appreciated.


您基本上需要的是 USB PC-1上的端口,该端口将用作PC-2的USB设备.

What you essentially need is a USB port on PC-1 that will act as a USB device for PC-2.


That is not possible for the vast majority of PC systems because USB is an asymmetric bus, with a host/device (or master/slave, if you wish) architecture. USB controllers (and their ports) on most PCs can only work in host mode and cannot simulate a device.


That is the reason that you cannot network computers through USB without a special cable with specialised electronics.

唯一的例外是,如果您以某种方式拥有支持 USB On-The的PC -Go 标准,允许USB端口在主机模式和设备模式下运行. USB-OTG设备确实存在,但它们通常是嵌入式设备(智能手机等).我不知道是否可以将USB-OTG端口添加到商用PC.

The only exception is if you somehow have a PC that supports the USB On-The-Go standard that allows for a USB port to act in both host and device mode. USB-OTG devices do exist, but they are usually embedded devices (smartphones etc). I don't know if there is a way to add a USB-OTG port to a commodity PC.

如果在PC-2上的操作系统启动之前不需要键盘,则可以使用一对USB蓝牙适配器-每台PC上一个.您必须在PC-1上使用专用软件,但是绝对有可能-我已经看到了,而且我可以肯定地确定Windows必须有一个.如果尚未安装,则在PC-2上还需要Bluetooth HID驱动程序.

If you do not need a keyboard before the OS on PC-2 boots, you might be able to use a pair of USB Bluetooth dongles - one on each PC. You'd have to use specialised software on PC-1, but it is definitely possible - I've already seen a possible implementation on Linux, and I am reasonably certain that there must be one for Windows. You will also need Bluetooth HID drivers on PC-2, if they are not already installed.

另一方面,您是否考虑过纯粹的软件/网络解决方案,例如 TightVNC ?

On a different note, have you considered a purely software/network solution such as TightVNC?


07-24 13:06