

E/flutter (26872): [错误:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(199)]未处理的异常:对空值使用空检查运算符E/颤动​​(26872):#0

// Background Messaging Set Up
    Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(
        RemoteMessage message) async {
      print('background message');


我在 Android 系统上收到此代码错误.除非应用程序终止,否则一切正常.

I am getting an error for this code on Android system. Everything works except when the app is terminated.

适用于 Android 的功能:

  • 终止、onBackground 和 onForeground 时的通知
  • 仅在前景上显示日期

什么在 Android 上不起作用:

  • 仅在 Terminated 和 onBackground 时提供数据

适用于 iOS 的功能:

  • 终止、onBackground 和 onForeground 时的通知
  • 仅在前景上显示日期

什么在 iOS 上不起作用:

  • 仅在终止时提供数据,

我不知道为什么我会在 Android 系统上收到空值错误,我该如何解决这个问题?另外,当应用程序终止时,我在 iOS 上收不到 Data only 推送通知是真的吗?

I have no clue why I am getting that null value error on Android system and how can I fix this issue? Also, is it true that I can not receive the Data only push notification on iOS when the app is terminated?


我遇到了和你一样的错误,在同一行.我查看了 docs,其中提到了关于后台消息处理程序的两件事.

I had the same error as like you, on the same line. I checked out docs and it says 2 things about background message handler.

  1. 它不能是匿名函数.
  2. 它必须是顶级函数(例如,不是需要初始化的类方法).


In my case it was not a top-level function, it was declared inside a class. When you move your handler out of any class or function, so that it is a top-level function and doesn't require any class or method initialisation then the error will be gone.


07-24 13:04