

我在我的研究解决方案,无论是涉及的APN的修改,或者是因为它增强的安全性不与Android 2.3兼容才发现。

I only found during my research solutions that either involve a modification of the APNs, or are not compatible with Android 2.3 because of its enhanced security.


Nevertheless, I am pretty sure there is a faster/cleaner way than modifying the APNs to enable/disable mobile data connectivity. Indeed, one of the most popular widgets on the market manages to do the switch very quickly and claims it does not touch APNs.

- >您知道哪些API /函数,我应该用它来获得类似的功能在我的应用程序

-> Do you know which API/function I should use to get similar functionality in my app ?



It is not possible due to security reasons. The only alternative is to modify the APN, and it is not guaranteed to work in every device.


10-15 22:02