

我不小心将我的开发环境APN上传到了Firebase中的我的生产APN .p12文件。但是我现在不能删除它。有一个按钮,说上传新,我已经尝试,但事后仍有旧的发展APN .p12文件。

I have accidentally uploaded my development environment APN where I wanted my production APN .p12 file in Firebase. However I cannot remove it now. There are a button that says "Upload new", which I have tried, but afterwards there are still the old development APN .p12 file.


I have as well tried to delete the iOS app and then install it again, but the keys are still stored under "Cloud Messaging".


How am I able to delete an APN key?


同样的问题也发生在我身上。 b $ b我找到了解决问题的办法。您尝试使用不同的私钥生成新证书,然后尝试在Firebase设置中使用该新证书覆盖旧证书。

This same problem happened to me.
However the following workaround does the trick for me:
I have found a workaround to the problem. You try generating a new certificate with a different private key and then try to overwrite the old certificate using that new certificate at Firebase settings.


09-26 04:21