I am developing the iOS app with PhoneGap. I used the PhoneGap push notification plugin to integrate push notification. So, when user start the app in my database I have recorded the user id and the notification token id. Recently I have realized that there are multiple token ID's for same user.
我想知道是因为iOS更新。 (最近他们发布了几个更新iOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2等..)
I'm wondering is this because of the iOS updates. (Recently they have release the several updates iOS 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2 etc..)
Can anyone please confirm this? And also if this is not the case can anyone give me some idea or possible reason to change APNS token?
Yes, installing a new iOS version changes the device token of the device. That was true even prior to iOS7.
此外,我读到,从iOS7开始,每个应用程序都为同一设备获取一个唯一的设备令牌case为pre iOS7版本),但为了向后兼容性,旧设备令牌仍然工作(直到您开始发送消息与新的设备令牌)。这将解释您的用户收到重复的邮件。
In addition, I read that starting in iOS7, each application gets a unique device token for the same device (which wasn't the case for pre iOS7 versions), but for backward compatibility, the old device token still works (until you start sending messages with the new device token). That would explain your users getting duplicate messages.
You should handle the case in which the device token of a device changes. Since you already have a user ID to identify the user, you can easily make sure that you keep a single device token for each user.