

有没有什么办法,而不必MS Word中安装打印OOXML文档(.docx文件)?

Is there any way to print an OOXML document (.docx file) without having MS Word installed?

它可以很好地通过微软Word界面,但我需要找到一种方法,使用它在未安装MS Word中的服务器。我一直在挖掘通过API,并没有发现任何明显的,所以我倾向于相信没有一个方法。这样的话?

It works nicely via the MS Word interface but I need to find a way to use it on servers where MS Word is not installed. I've been digging through the API and haven't found anything obvious so I'm inclined to believe there isn't a way. Is this the case?

编辑:德文的答案基本上是我的理解是这样。我应该提到,我使用的.NET框架。所以,我想知道是否有可能是一个.NET库,将能够被处理的docx文件进行打印?我将工作到 DefaultPrinterQueue LocalPrintServer (在 System.Printing时看到命名空间),它可以处理XPS文档。因此,也许这是要走的路。

Devin's answer is basically what I understood to be the case. I should have mentioned that I'm using the .NET framework. So I wondered if there is perhaps a .NET library which would be able to be handle a docx file for printing? I see when adding a job to the DefaultPrinterQueue on a LocalPrintServer (in the System.Printing namespace) it can handle an XPS document. So perhaps this is the way to go.


我很好奇自己的答案,所以我GOOGLE了它。似乎有支撑的一些小说和IBM产品。这里有一个链接到一个局部的答案,似乎是说支持OpenOffice是在开发中。 http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML

I was curious about the answer myself, so I Googled it. Seems there is support in some Novel and IBM products. Here's a link to a partial answer which seems to say support in OpenOffice is in development. http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML


08-31 07:30