


  1. Cloneable 意味着我们可以通过以下方式获得对象的克隆或副本:实现 Cloneable 接口.有什么优点和这样做的缺点?
  2. 如果对象是一个对象,那么如何进行递归克隆复合对象?
  1. Cloneable means we can have a clone or a copy of objects, byimplementing the Cloneable interface. What are the advantages anddisadvantages of doing that?
  2. How does the recursive cloning happen if the object is acomposite object?


关于 Cloneable 的第一件事是-不要使用它.

The first thing you should know about Cloneable is - don't use it.

使用 Cloneable 正确执行克隆非常困难,而付出的努力是不值得的.

It is very hard to implement cloning with Cloneable right, and the effort is not worth it.

代替使用其他一些选项,例如apache-commons SerializationUtils (深克隆)或 BeanUtils (浅克隆),或者只是使用复制构造函数.

Instead of that use some other options, like apache-commons SerializationUtils (deep-clone) or BeanUtils (shallow-clone), or simply use a copy-constructor.

请参阅此处,以了解Josh Bloch关于使用 Cloneable ,它解释了该方法的许多缺点.( Joshua Bloch 是Sun的雇员,并领导了许多Java功能的开发.)

See here for the views of Josh Bloch about cloning with Cloneable, which explains the many drawbacks of the approach. (Joshua Bloch was a Sun employee, and led the development of numerous Java features.)


08-30 06:48