我有这个简单的 Expr
AST,我可以轻松地将它转换为 String
I have this simple Expr
AST and I can easily convert it to String
import Prelude hiding (Foldable)
import qualified Prelude
import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
data ExprF r = Const Int
| Add r r
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Prelude.Foldable )
type Expr = Fix ExprF
testExpr = Fix $ Add (Fix (Const 1)) (Fix (Const 2))
convertToString :: Expr -> String
convertToString = cata $ case
e@(Const x) -> show x
e@(Add x y) -> unwords [x, "+", y]
现在我想给它添加一个额外的数据.所以我正在尝试使用 Cofree
Now I want to add an additional data to it.So I am trying to use Cofree
type LineNumber = Int
type Expr2 = Cofree ExprF LineNumber
我可以将 Expr
转换为 Expr2
addLineNumbers :: Expr -> Expr2
addLineNumbers = cata $ case
e@(Const _) -> 1 :< e
e -> 2 :< e
但我不知道如何将 Expr2
转换为 String
But I cannot figure out how to convert Expr2
to String
convertToString2 :: Expr2 -> String
convertToString2 = cata $ case
e@(_ :< (Const x)) -> show x
e@(_ :< (Add x y)) -> unwords [x, "+", y]
另外,Cofree 是解决这个标注问题的最好方法吗?
Also, is Cofree the best way to solve this annotation problem?
An alternative way of annotating your syntax tree is to compose the annotation into the base functor.
-- constant functor
newtype K c a = K c
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- functor product
data (f :*: g) a = (:*:) { left :: f a, right :: g a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
我们将使用函子积将注释(在 K
We're going to use the functor product to attach an annotation (inside a K
) to each layer of the tree.
type AnnExpr = Fix (K LineNumber :*: ExprF)
If you can generate annotations while only inspecting a single layer of the tree (that is, your annotation-generating code can be expressed as a natural transformation) then you can use the following bit of machinery to modify the functor while keeping the fixpoint structure in place:
hoistFix :: Functor f => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Fix f -> Fix g
hoistFix f = Fix . f . fmap (hoistFix f) . unFix
This is of limited usefulness, though, as most interesting annotations such as type-checking require traversal of the syntax tree.
您可以通过简单地忽略注释来重用代码来拆除 Expr
.给定 ExprF
You can reuse the code to tear down an Expr
by simply ignoring the annotations. Given an algebra for ExprF
-- instructions for a stack machine
data Inst = PUSH Int | ADD
type Prog = [Inst]
compile_ :: ExprF Prog -> Prog
compile_ (Const x) = [PUSH x]
compile_ (Add x y) = x ++ y ++ [ADD]
...你可以用它来分解一个 Expr
或一个 AnnExpr
... you can use it to tear down either an Expr
or an AnnExpr
compileE :: Expr -> Prog
compileE = cata compile_
compileA :: AnnExpr -> Prog
compileA = cata (compile_ . right)
这篇关于如何使用带有 Cofree 注释的 AST?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!