

我了解了有关2's Complement的信息,并对其进行了未签名和已签名的int运算.因此,我决定测试我的知识,据我所知,负数是以2's complement的方式存储的,因此加法和减法不会有不同的算法,并且电路也很简单.

I Learned About 2's Complement and unsigned and signed int. So I Decided to test my knowledge , as far as i know that a negative number is stored in 2's complement way so that addition and subtraction would not have different algorithm and circuitry would be simple.


int main()
  int a = -1 ;
  unsigned int b = - 1 ;

  printf("%d %u \n %d %u" , a ,a , b, b);

输出变为-1 4294967295 -1 4294967295.现在,我查看了位模式和各种东西,然后我意识到2的补码中的-111111111 11111111 11111111 11111111,所以当我使用%d解释它时,它给出了-1,但是当我使用%u解释时,它将其视为正数,因此给出4294967295.我检查了汇编的代码是

Output Comes To Be -1 4294967295 -1 4294967295 . Now , i looked at the bit pattern and various things and then i realized that -1 in 2's complement is 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 , so when i interpret it using %d , it gives -1 , but when i interpret using %u , it treat it as a positive number and so it gives 4294967295. I Checked the Assembly Of the code is

    .string "%d %u \n %d %u"
    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp
    sub     rsp, 16
    mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], -1
    mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], -1
    mov     esi, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
    mov     ecx, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
    mov     edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
    mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
    mov     r8d, esi
    mov     esi, eax
    mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
    mov     eax, 0
    call    printf
    mov     eax, 0


Now here -1 is moved to the register both the times in unsigned and signed . What i want to know if reinterpretation is only that matters , then why do we have two types unsigned and signed , it is printf format string %d and %u that matters ?

当我给一个无符号整数赋负数时,进一步发生了什么(我得知初始化程序将此值从int转换为unsigned int.),但是在汇编代码中,我没有看到这样的事情.那么到底发生了什么??

Further what really happens when i assign negative number to a unsigned integer (I learned That The initializer converts this value from int to unsigned int. ) but in the assembly code I did not saw such a thing. So what really happens ??

并且机器如何知道何时必须执行2's complement,何时不知道,它是否看到负号并执行2's complement?

And How does Machine knows when it has to do 2's complement and when not , does it see the negative sign and performs 2's complement?


I have read almost every question and answer you could think this question be duplicate of , but I could not find a satisfactory solution.



Both signed and unsigned are pieces of memory and according to operations it matters how they behave.


It doesn't make any difference when adding or subtracting because due to 2-complement the operations are exactly the same.


It matters when we compare two numbers: -1 is lower than 0 while 4294967295 obviously isn't.


About conversion - for the same size it simply takes variable content and moves it to another - so 4294967295 becomes -1. For bigger size it's first signed extended and then content is moves.


How does machine now - according the instruction we use. Machines have either different instructions for comparing signed and unsigned or they provide different flags for it (x86 has Carry for unsigned overflow and Overflow for signed overflow).


Additionally, note that C is relaxed how the signed numbers are stored, they don't have to be 2-complements. But nowadays, all common architectures store the signed like this.


07-30 15:37