


I basically tried this mode_rewrite rule below. It works with a slash on the end but I want it to work whether it has a trailing slash on the end or not. Basically I want it like this as some people see it as normal with a slash on the end and others don't hence why I want it to work whether it's there or not.

RewriteRule ^signup/register(.[^/]*) /signup/register.php [NC]

基本上,它会像的http://本地主机/注册/注册/ ,但如果我删除 / 从它到底给404错误。

Basically it will work like http://localhost/signup/register/ but if I remove the / from the end it gives 404 error.


子模式 [^ /] * 至少需要一个任意字符。你的情况很可能是斜线。

The subpattern .[^/]* requires at least one arbitrary character. In your case it’s probably that trailing slash.


You should better stick to one writing (either with or without trailing slash) and redirect th wrong writing to the proper, like:

# remove trailing slash
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

# add trailing slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^.*[^/]$ /$0/ [L,R=301]


09-15 09:02