


I have searched everywhere for this answer, and the answers that have been posted do not fit my specific situation as it gives me 404 errors, and I'm not sure why.

我想改写这个: /c.php?url=http://www.example.com

进入这个: /c/http://www.example.com


Right now I have this in my mod_rewrite:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^c/(.*)(/)?$ /c.php?url=$1

但是,当重写,我试图发送到PHP脚本的URL,它写道: HTTP:/example.com ,一个斜线,而不是双斜杠。

But when it rewrites the url that I am trying to send into the PHP script, it writes "http:/example.com", with one slash instead of the double slash.


I've seen a lot of things posted about this involving the THE_REQUEST rule, but when I try to apply them to my htaccess file, they fail. I am not sure what is wrong, any help would be much appreciated.


阿帕奇删除路径内的多个斜线。正如你已经提到的,你可以通过检查请求线在解决这个的 THE_REQUEST 的:

Apache removes multiple slashes inside the path. And as you’re already mentioned, you can solve this by inspecting the request line in THE_REQUEST:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\ /c/([^?\ ]+)/?
RewriteRule ^c/ /c.php?url=%1


08-24 10:49