I have my code which does collect the list of directories and saves it to an CSV output (DirectoryOutputfile.csv in my example). Using the directory list CSV file I use a recursive function and perform the task for each directory.
The task involves inputting the each directory and initiating the process and saves the output to another CSV. This happens for each directory and saves the output.
Also I am saving the completed directories into another CSV to know how many are being complete to view on LIVE basis.
我问: 我没有在我的情况下使用任何线程,所以想让进程
My ask: I am not using any threading in my case, so would like to make the process run in parallel to make it fast and have the output saved as mentioned above. I am new to the threading, kindly suggest how can I use parallel processing or multi-threading in my code to speed up as there are around ~750K directories in the list.
I am not sure where would I need to implement this in my code as I have write and read operations using streamwriter and streamreader at multiple places.
谢谢, Dhilip
Thanks, Dhilip
  Thread thread = new Thread(Class.HandleOneDirectory);
Thread thread = new Thread( Class.HandleOneDirectory );
thread.Start( Directoryline );
使用线程池可能更好。 如果你尝试启动750,000个线程,你就会引发骚乱。 另外,请记住,从多个线程写入单个文件时必须小心。 您可能希望同步对DirectoryLineUpdatedSofarInCSV的访问。
It might be better to use a thread pool. If you try to start 750,000 threads, you'll cause a riot. Also, remember that you have to be careful when writing to a single file from multiple threads. You might want to synchronize access to DirectoryLineUpdatedSofarInCSV.