

我想我的最后一个问题有点含糊.我可以用C/C ++/COBOL/HTML/VB/FORTRAN编写,但我还涉猎了其他一些内容.我只需要一些帮助来学习Windows编程方式.几乎任何人都可以使用MS Visual Studio 2010创建MFC项目,但是我很难将其包裹起来.我在互联网和论坛之后的论坛中搜索答案,但还是一头雾水.如果创建一个用于创建简单电话簿程序的SDI项目之后,一些好心人会告诉我下一步.我可以用C ++/CLI编写程序,但是我不知道如何将其合并到Windows程序中.我将以一百万美元的价格向某人展示如何做到这一点.

I guess my last question was a little too vague. I can write in C/C++/COBOL/HTML/VB/FORTRAN and I dabble in a few others. I just need some help learning the Windows way of programming. Almost anyone can create an MFC project using MS Visual Studio 2010, but I''m having trouble wrapping my head around it. I searched the Internet and forum after forum for answers, but still empty headed. If some good hearted person(s) would show me the next steps after creating an SDI project for creating a simple phonebook program. I can write the program in C++/CLI, but I have NO idea how to incorporate this into a windows program. I would ALMOST pay someone a million dollars to show me how to do this. PLEASE and THANK YOU!



08-21 19:16