

我正在对Julia执行速度进行基准测试.我在Julia提示符下执行了@time [i^2 for i in 1:1000],结果大约是20毫秒.这似乎很奇怪,因为我的计算机是配备i7处理器的现代化计算机(我使用的是Linux Ubuntu).

I'm benchmarking Julia execution speed. I executed @time [i^2 for i in 1:1000] on Julia prompt, which resulted in something of the order of 20 ms. This seems strange, since my computer is modern with an i7 processor (I am using Linux Ubuntu).


Another strange thing is that when I execute the same command on a range of 1:10 the execution time is 15 ms.


There must be something trivial that I am missing here?



  1. 不要在全球范围内进行基准测试.
  2. 不要衡量像这样的东西的第一次执行情况.
  3. 使用 BenchmarkTools .


Julia is a JIT-compiled language, so the first time you measure things, you're measuring compilation time. This is a small fixed overhead, so for anything that takes a substantial time, it's negligible, but for short-running code like this, it's almost all of the time. Non-constant global variables force the compiler to assume almost nothing about types, which tends to poison all of your performance. This is fine in some circumstances, but most of the time, you a) should write code so that the inputs are explicit parameters to functions, rather than implicit parameters coming from some globals, and b) shouldn't write code that uses mutable global state.


07-24 10:04